Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Making Progress...

Hello! Today was a very productive day. After realizing our actors were not going to be available until Saturday, my group and I decided to take this day to get together and go through a rehearsal of filming. Our rehearsal day consisted in gathering props for our scenes, figuring out the positions of our actors, and working with lightning. A major problem we noticed we will be having is with lightning. We want our film to have a nice yellow lit background, while also making sure our subjects aren’t too dark. I was able to find a video that offered us easy and cheap tips to create a professional light setup for night scenes.

In the YouTube video, "Cheap Lighting Setup on a Budget! - DIY," Peter McKinnon explains the importance of a well lit subject and how to achieve it by using simple tools around the house. Of course I had almost none of the materials he mentioned, so I decided to go out and buy a few things. First, I decided that we will need a LED light for our night scenes. Thus, I was able to find a cheap one under $30 at my local Home Depot. Secondly, McKinnon mentioned using gel light filters as it will change the color of the light, creating a unique atmosphere for the scene. After searching online, I noticed that the gels were way to expensive. Instead we bought colored binder dividers that worked just as well and for only $5. Overall, this investment really came in handy. We played around with the lights and noticed that it added more life to our scenes.

After rehearsal, my group and I realized that we needed to make a list of the shots we will be filming and the specific order they will go. By doing this, we won’t have to hesitate on Saturday about what scenes to film next and avoid wasting more time.

Below is our list:

Towards the right of the paper, we also added the specific wardrobe options we would like our characters to wear in various scenes. Because we are trying to achieve a yellowy tone within our film, we need to make sure our subjects won't blend in. Also, their wardrobe is very symbolic to their personalities as well as what is going down between the couple and the psychiatrist.

Overall, my group and I were initially overwhelmed when our actors told us they would not be able to start filming earlier this week. However, we agreed that if we keep changing our plans and actors, we won't get anything done. So, instead of waiting until Saturday we decided to get ahead and make sure we fixed as many problems before filming day in order for us to shoot everything without a hassle. We are most likely going to meet up the night before to do another mini rehearsal just to be 100% sure that we are aware of all our problems and how we can fix them on Saturday.  

Although it has been stressful, I feel we are in good place right now and will get back on track for next week. Like always, I will keep you guys updated. Until next time!


McKinnon, Peter. “CHEAP LIGHTING SETUP on a Budget! - DIY.” YouTube, YouTube, 19 Jan.

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