Saturday, March 10, 2018

Before moving forward...

Before we move forward to part II of my research, I wanted to quickly blog about the group discussions my classmates and I had in media studies yesterday. On discussion days, our class has the opportunity to come together in small groups and converse about ideas for our portfolio projects. I really enjoy these days because I am able to get more perspective on our developing work and fix any mistakes before turning in our final project. Each individual in the group I was assigned chose different options for their project. Antonio is doing the trailer promo option, while Isabel is planning on doing a documentary on the elderly. It’s interesting hearing other people's train of thought and creative ideas they've come up with.

I took the opportunity and used this group session to ask for help on what ideas my group and I should choose. I told them of two ideas my group and I already developed. The first story is about a man who lost his wife. He cannot seem to move on and time has become frozen from the minute she passed away. The theme for this story is that people need to grieve in order to move forward. Our second idea is about a couple that is in a simulation couples therapy. The guy in the relationship will be the main character and will experience a life when time is still and everyone is frozen. Yet, he will meet a girl that will show him his happiest memories in order for the guy to remember why he fell in love with his girlfriend, or wife, in the first place. The theme here is that people need to stop for a moment and look back on their memorable occasions before they make any future mistakes and it’s too late.

After mentioning these ideas to my discussion group, they said they liked the first story more than the other. They offered me tips on how I can portray the story, such as using music to convey meaning and using older actors to show a deeper relationship between the deceased wife and widowed husband. Thus, after class, I mentioned this to my portfolio project group members and they mentioned that they enjoyed the second story better. Each member explained the two ideas to their own groups and most people voted on the second story. So, you can definitely say my group and I were back to square one. We still couldn't agree on one idea.

Throughout the rest of the day, I could not stop thinking on what we can do to comprise and finalize our idea, as we were already behind schedule. One of my group members decided that we needed to call each other and figure it out, no matter how long it took. Thus, I called my group member, Paloma, and began to discuss the plot for the second story. We reviewed and laid out every detail from how we would film it to what actors we would use. In the end, we finally agreed and had an idea! This truly lifted some stress off my shoulders and I was now able to see a clear story for our short film.

Overall, I think I learned something very important from all of this. First, when it comes to creating something, it's important that every member, whether it's the actors or the cameramen, have passion and commitment to tell a story successfully. Thus, in order for this to happen everyone needs to come together and decide on an idea that they all agree on and relate to in a way. Secondly, I think it's important to have faith in yourself that you are capable enough to tell a story in unique ways. I definitely restricted myself with our second idea, initially, because I did not want to mess up. Yet, if we never try new things, even if they are slightly more challenging, we will never grow and become the future creators we dream of being.

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